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The Latest Techniques In Dentistry Today

Man in dental chair giving a thumbs up. Dentist smiling next to him

Science and technology has taken up the world of dentistry by storm. By replacing a damaged tooth with a new one that looks just as natural, to straightening your teeth using invisible braces, there is a quick and effective solution for almost every possible dental problem that you might be having.

Having said that, we list to you some of the latest practices that are now going around and any good dentist must be able to provide you with all or at least most of them.

If you’re scared of having your teeth perfectly aligned using the ugly, metallic braces, then let us tell you, that such braces are a thing of the past. This is because invisalign is now becoming the more popular trend.

This treatment involves using transparent braces that give you the perfect smile that you always wanted. You can remove these braces when you want, they are easy to clean and you have the freedom to eat whatever on earth you want.

If you are embarrassed by the missing tooth in your smile, then implants can help you out as dental implants are being used to replace the root portion of your missing tooth.

Dental implants has certainly made life better for those who have a missing tooth as it looks and feels more like a natural tooth.

We know how most of us conscious of our not-that-pearly-white teeth when we smile. If that has been bothering you, then the Zoom whitening technology is the current best solution that you have.

It is a whitening treatment that can make your teeth whiter in almost just one sitting! Now that’s one of our favourite techniques in the world of dentistry. In fact, zoom whitening can make your teeth go up to eight shades whiter!

  1. Nitrous oxide and (Intravenous) IV Sedation:

Nitrous oxide is also known as the laughing gas and this is one of the most important things that your dentist must have as it helps calm down nervous and jittery patients. The laughing gas helps them relax and have a proper interaction with their dentist.

The (Intravenous) IV sedation on the other hand, puts the worried patient to sleep so that he or she can sleep through the painful procedure. The patient doesn’t feel anything as the dentist goes about taking care of his or her problems. This is very helpful in case of patients who are extremely nervous or will be subjected to a painful procedure.

  1. Intraoral camera:

It is frequently very difficult for a dentist to have a clear and precise look at the problematic area when it comes to our tiny teeth. It is because of this that intraoral cameras can really be helpful as it helps the dentist have a better look at his target area, thereby enabling him to deal with the problem at hand in a more efficient manner. If you’re visiting a good dentist, the intraoral camera must be there to guide him in the best way possible to the problematic spot.

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